Using the Trigger Menu To assign terms to an analyzer
To assign terms to an analyzer
When you turn the logic analyzer on, Analyzer 1 is named Machine 1 and Analyzer 2 is off. Because trigger terms can only be used by one analyzer at a time, all the terms are assigned to Analyzer 1. If you plan to use both analyzers in your measurement, you need to assign some of the terms to Analyzer 2. 1 Go to the Trigger Machine 1 menu. If you have renamed Machine 1 in the Analyzer Configuration menu, the name you changed it to will appear in the menu instead of Machine 1. 2 Select a term. The terms are the fields below the roll field "Terms". See the figure below.
Trigger Menu
3 Select Assign from the list that appears. The Resource Term Assignment menu appears. It is divided into two sections, one for each analyzer. All the terms are listed. 4 To change a term assignment, select a term field. The term fields toggle from one section to the other. You can get all your terms assigned at once, or just change a few to meet immediate needs. 5 To exit the term assignment menu, select Done.